Friday, May 1, 2015

These items should always be part of a pool installation estimate

Pool installation in Charlotte, NC
Always make sure these items are included in a pool installation estimate

Many times, a homeowner gathering estimates for a new pool installation is new to the process. As a result, they may not be aware of everything which should be included in their Charlotte NC pool installation estimate.  Carolina Pool Plastering, one of Charlotte’s best pool installation companies provides advice on what to ensure is included in any pool installation estimate. 
The following are some of the important items that should always be included in an estimate for a pool installation.

Zone charges: These are the fees that must be paid to haul away dirt when the lot is excavated for the new pool. 

Expediting fees and permits:  Depending upon the locality, there may be a variety of fees required to build a new pool

Shotcrete/gunite:  While an estimate for these materials may not be exact, it is a good idea to have some type of estimate in the contract. 

Coping and tile:  While these are usually included, ensure what is included is labeled and that detailed costs are explained.  These should include cost per unit and how much the contract allows. 

Bonding grid: This item is often forgotten in a contract, however almost every locality will require that some sort of bonding be used to directly connect the pool to the surrounding decking. 

These are a few of the possible hidden costs that should always be spelled out in a pool installation contract.  Carolina Pool Plastering and their team of professionals will provide an accurate estimate for any new pool installation

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